My own little blog.
You are awesome. Have a dance.
The first hack is called Mario's New World. It was sent to me via youtube by a user I became friends with named noonperson. He kinda disappeared from the internet for a few months. I haven't talked to him in a while and there's like barely any way to find him. But he made it a while ago and thought it was bad, but it was actually pretty great. So I'd recommend checking it out. Fun Fact: he sent me the ROM because he didn't know how to make an .ips patch, so I had to make a patch for it.

The second one is called Mario and the Cursed Black Pirhana Plant. Note: he spelled it pirhana, it's spelled piranha though. I found this hack from my cousin and he found it on a file sharing website apparently. This one is really fricken old, but I think it's still really good, especially considering the limitations there were back when it was originally made. I talked to the author and he said that he worked on it a little bit a few years later so, it's hard to say when it was really finished. Though the guy who made it seemed like a really nice guy who left the video game hacking scene after he tried to decode, Sparkster, I think. The SNES one, not the Genesis one. Anyway, links below.


I took the time to look up some old, old, flash movies I used to watch way back from when we had a 56k dial-up modem hooked up in our basement. Fun Fact: we didn't stop using a dial-up connection until mid-2006. So you can bet that was fun. But anyway I went on Newgrounds, and after playing some of Pico's School, I found this little gem; stone trek. But then came the movie that I watched so much. Super Console Wars. If you like Star Wars and video games, chances are you'll like this. The internet was so simple back then. No one could see pictures of anyone, every webpage had a black background with green text, and animated .gifs were the best thing in the world. Good times, good times.
Spring break for us is the week after spring break for most other schools here in US. Anyway, I have a nasty cough and cold that started a few days ago. It's not as bad anymore, but the cough is just killing me. Hopefully it will stop before Monday, which is when my spring break really starts I guess. Going to see Suckerpunch sometime this week, so hopefully that will make this week a bit better.
Oh, um hello. This is the blog, on my blog page sub-domain thingy. Now go on, get to reading!