My own little blog.
The first hack is called Mario's New World. It was sent to me via youtube by a user I became friends with named noonperson. He kinda disappeared from the internet for a few months. I haven't talked to him in a while and there's like barely any way to find him. But he made it a while ago and thought it was bad, but it was actually pretty great. So I'd recommend checking it out. Fun Fact: he sent me the ROM because he didn't know how to make an .ips patch, so I had to make a patch for it.

The second one is called Mario and the Cursed Black Pirhana Plant. Note: he spelled it pirhana, it's spelled piranha though. I found this hack from my cousin and he found it on a file sharing website apparently. This one is really fricken old, but I think it's still really good, especially considering the limitations there were back when it was originally made. I talked to the author and he said that he worked on it a little bit a few years later so, it's hard to say when it was really finished. Though the guy who made it seemed like a really nice guy who left the video game hacking scene after he tried to decode, Sparkster, I think. The SNES one, not the Genesis one. Anyway, links below.


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